What A Baby Should Wear Under A Swaddle

Swaddling your baby is proven as a way to keep them comfortable while sleeping. As a parent you’d definitely want your baby to sleep as long as they can. This is not only beneficial for your baby but for you as well!

Although all babies are different, there’s a rule of thumb that your baby should wear another additional layer compared to the adults around. 

It’s ideal to consider a few things before you choose their clothes:

  • The temperature inside and outside your house

We highly recommend planning the layer depending on the climate. For summer, a single layer of swaddle will do. Most of the time babies don’t need to wear anything except for nappies under a swaddle if they’re at home. Muslin swaddles are made of soft, finely and loosely woven cotton fabric. However there are also opinions that no matter the condition, you should dress your baby before swaddling and have one to two layers of clothes. We’ll leave that option to you. 

For winter weather, it’s ideal to dressed them in a long-sleeve bodysuit. You can also follow the TOG rule or Thermal Overall Grade you’ll fine in a swaddle. A low TOG means the fabric is cool and high TOG like 2.5 means the fabric is ideal for colder nights.

  • How thick is the swaddle blanket

With so many swaddle blankets you’ll find on the internet, you’ll learn that each of them varies in thickness. Choose a muslin swaddle that is perfect for all-year round. Get something that is made out of lightweight and breathable fabric.

  • Overall comfort

The most important one to consider is to check if you’re baby is comfortable. Dressing them up with too many layers when the weather is warm will make them fussy. You’ll know your baby doesn’t like what he’s wearing if they keep on trying to escape it or move around.

Observe how your baby look. Flushed skin, flushed cheeks and sweaty skin means they’re too hot. If they are pale and cold to touch, it means they feel cold. Make sure you also fit the swaddle perfectly to avoid suffocation.

Should you get a muslin swaddle?

Muslin swaddle are made are made from natural and organic materials. Muslin refers to a finely-woven breathable fabric and all our swaddle blankets are soft, finely and loosely woven cotton fabric which perfect gift for your newly born baby boy and baby girl. 

If you’re looking for a muslin swaddle, check our collection here.